Getting Money
From Lenders

To Support Your Business Management And Business Growth Aspirations

The Lender Ready Program bought to you by ABDI in collaboration with Meat & Livestock Australia, plus Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries, Qld and AgForce.

One of the biggest fears that agri-business owners have, is going to lenders and getting money...


Watch this short video from ABDI Director Gordon Stone, talking about the struggles and fears agri-business owners like you are facing right now, and how you can fix them. 

Australian agriculture is comprised of hard-working, innovative people who are the essence of the quality food, fibre and goods we use in our everyday lives.

However, most are solid achievers, operating quietly in the background.

As a result, they often get less than is due to them.

When you start thinking about getting money from lenders, there is absolutely no substitute for getting it 100% right. 

To do that, you need to understand how lenders think and to use a system that is fit for purpose for their requirements.


The ABDI DIY Lender Ready Program

Designed specifically for Australian agricultural businesses, and based on our practical experience of working directly with agri-business clients!

This short, sharp Do-It-Yourself Program requires less effort and less cost than the 'Personalised Version' of the Lender Ready Program - and yet you still get the critical insight needed to Do-It-Yourself!

 The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Lender Ready Program 

The DIY Option provides you with the core Lender Ready Program Material - but without our 'paint by the numbers' support. You will get:

  • A Structure to work through, including:
  • All LRP Briefing Papers - changes to the lending marketplace; lender wants, needs and drivers (Government and Commercial) and core investor needs and requirements
  • Self-Complete Worksheets
  • The Business Plan Template - a Word document template, based on a series of questions and dot points for you to self-complete (by answering the questions and following the comments)
  • The Financials Template - based on Excel spreadsheets where you self-complete your last 3 years historical's, current financial year progress to date and 3-5 years' financial forecasts (simply insert the numbers)
  • Recordings of Three Specialty Webinars - a Government Lender, a Commercial Lender and insights from a Corporate Advisor (outlines how to access Investors and investor funds)

but, best of all you DO get a complementary 1-Hour Phone or Online Session with Gordon Stone, ABDI Director, to discuss your personal position, areas of concern and frustration plus any areas of clarification.

You may also choose to buy The Personal Business Lender Readiness Mentoring Package to complement the DIY Lender Ready Template Option

Join Now!

If you have any more questions, feel free to get in touch:

Call: (07) 4615 2255

Email: [email protected]